How environmental protection and textile tech creates new narratives / awareness through education and art in the Mexican-US Rio Bravo context?
Our planet is going through a climate change, racial, gender and political crisis. It is important to create new ways of relating to water, land, living entities, women, people of color. Also we have to create new ways of doing politics, we have to become aware of the devastation of the landscape and how is impacting in our lives because every little thing in this earth is interconnected.
Due to the voracious and predatory capitalism hundreds of species lose their habitats everyday in different latitudes due to forest fires, corruptive policies, pollution and big industries that dump their waste in the rivers and oceans of our planet.
It´s our responsibility as creative thinkers to seek new ways of producing design, art, technology, architecture, we must have to remember the ancestral populations who lived in complete harmony with nature and return in to our mother/pachamama connection in order to have clean air, clean water for next generations of humans and the diversity of species. We can shift this paradigm from our disciplines and our consumer practices.
Art has always been a medium that seeks to sensitize society and brings us closer to the issues that we live as humanity in different periods of history, it is a medium that through education we can change our narratives and observe everything in a different way.
Textiles have always been part of the history of humanity and the new technologies drive us to create new and interactive ways of consuming textiles.
So my proposal is to generate six pieces of contemporary textile art exploring different materials that can be an aesthetic, interactive and at the same time educational works in which the new generations and general audience can develop experiences that brings them/us closer to the problems of the planetary environmental issues and together create a dialogue of conscience and love around our planet.
I mainly visualize this project in museums, galleries, schools, libraries. As activities I see textile workshops and display documentation that can be consulted by users on websites.

Janette Terrazas Islas
(Rio Bravo, 2021)